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ABS PecPlan

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2016



About Us

The history of artificial insemination in cattle, both in Brazil and worldwide, is directly related to the ABS. The company was founded in 1941 in the United States, when Rockefeller Prentice and Phil Higley developed the technique of freezing semen straws to be deposited artificially in the uterus of females. This technological revolution has opened the doors of the international expansion of a new era for livestock.

In 1959, Brazil received the first ABS Global semen doses. In 1970 come in Pecplan, a pioneer company that imported and distributed throughout the country the materials needed for insemination. The technology was so well received that soon Pecplan has incorporated the Bradesco Group, which has developed an extensive work promoting IA and labor-intensive training.

In October 1996, the Pecplan was sold to ABS, incorporating to its name the multinational acronyms that adds more than 70 years of experience. In 1999, companies were incorporated into the British company Genus PLC, which owns 70% of the UK market of semen and operates in various sectors of agribusiness. Global ABS (division of Genus for Bovine Genetics) is a world leader in bovine AI market, operating in more than 70 countries worldwide.

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ABS PecPlan

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Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer

  • semen de bovinos
  • semen touro
  • semen vaca
  • semen

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Alexandre ********
  • icone de telefone +55 34********
  • map-marker Delta / MG | Brazil

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