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Açucareira Quata S.a. - Biorigin

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2012



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Biozalt was designed to look like salt, taste like salt and function like salt while only delivering 50\% of the sodium normally found in salt. It is an outstanding contributor to any savory flavor system and is used to build and accentuate the natural, complex taste, mouthfeel and odor sensations of the food. <br><br>The product was developed to allow for an easy 1 for 1 replacement of salt, without sacrificing the flavor, function, texture and mouthfeel. It provides an upfront salty impression that is clean, briny and sharp while providing a desirable mouth feel effect and tingling sensation. <br>

  • Biozalt
  • salt
  • sodium

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Açucareira Quata S.a. - Biorigin

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Business type

  • Açucareira Quata S.A. - Biorigin
  • human food
  • animal nutrition
  • international food safety standards

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Renata ********
  • icone de telefone +55 14********
  • map-marker MACATUBA / AC | Brazil

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