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Adaya Sinalização

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2011



About Us

We are an authorized Dealer for Sherman Refletive Sheeting. The widely known FAIXA OURO is now a mandatory acessory for trucks over 4,5 tons.

We were formed by professionals with extensive knowledge of market signaling, Adaya works with reflective products in order to improve the safety of persons. With dedication to the retroreflection, Adaya searches for technology providing the most efficient solutions to meet various market demands.

Mission: Helping people find the best solution in signaling, and is recognized as a preferred supplier in the markets it serves.

Vision: Passion for quality products and services offered. Commitment to our customers, employees, suppliers and the community around us.

Values: Authenticity, Knowledge, Cooperation, Respect and Responsibility.

More about
Adaya Sinalização

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2M - 10M

Sales volume (USD)

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Not informed




Business type

  • Sherman Refletive Sheeting FAIXA OURO reflective products

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Carlos ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker Jundiaí / SP | Brazil

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