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Agua Mineral Hylem Producao Comercializacao LTDA

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2017



About Us

Water is the source creator, elemental principle for life and this is the meaning of the word Hylem, or-ὑλη Greek Ylem-hylé or ground substance.
We are a company that sees the Act of taking water as a basic principle of well-being, a simple attitude that can transform our quality of life.
Our mineral waters have unique properties and are among the rare sources virtually free of nitrates, which attests to your superior purity. Envasamos the best in nature, so that every drop makes a difference for your health.

Located in the aquifers of Adamantina and Serra Geral, under an environmental reserve area, our waters are extracted at depths ranging from 50 to 150m and are pure of origin, requiring no treatment for consumption.
The amount of nitrate found in mineral water is important indicator of the degree of purity of the water. Hylem mineral waters are practically nitrate-free, which attests to its superior purity.
In addition, our waters undergo a strict quality control, which guarantees the preservation of its natural characteristics and the health and well-being of our consumers.

Main Markets

  • South America

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Agua Mineral Hylem Producao Comercializacao LTDA

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Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer

  • water
  • alkaline water
  • light water

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Antonio ********
  • icone de telefone +55 16********
  • map-marker Itapolis / SP | Brazil

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