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Amanhecer Coffee

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2020



About Us

I am a producer of special organic coffees in the family, where I make a harvest always aiming at the best grain to be marketed, and to satisfy to the maximum our customers!! The grains are removed from the crop and go straight to the washing precesso, in which we remove the floated coffees, thus leaving only the coffees with a more satisfactory filling, after this process it is dried entirely in suspended terraces, in which we also remove the green grains completely, they are dried separately (handmade process), thus leaving for the marketing only selected grains and with the guarantee of a better quality. Briefly, more not complete, this is the process; if you want to know more about us and all processes from harvest to marketing, I will have the honor to answer here.

Main Markets

  • South America

More about
Amanhecer Coffee

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0 - 100K

Sales volume (USD)

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% Export sales




Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer
  • Distributor / Wholesaler
  • Business Service

  • Organic specialty coffees!!

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Matheus ********
  • icone de telefone +55 33********
  • map-marker Manhuaçu / MG | Brazil

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