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Aresta Estamparia De Metais Ltda

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2012



About Us

Aresta Estamparia de Metais started its activities in 1985, aimed at stamping servicse on products in the field of metallurgy.

From the beginning we offer quality services that meet the needs of our customers. Consolidated in this way as a supplier of several important segments such as Banking and Commercial Automation, Telecommunications, Consumer Electronics, Phones, Furniture and more.

In the 90\s it settled in its own facilities (4500 m 2 area) in the industrial Guarulhos - SP, where many resources were invested to create a modern structure featuring the latest equipment such as Laser Cutting, CNC Punching, CNC Bending, among others, may thus offer flexibility and quality demanded by the market, is also certified in Quality System ISO 9001/2000.

To meet the widest market, National and International divisions were created Esferus Electronic e Electric, which manufactures a complete line for the segment IT and TELECOM ELECTRIC.

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Aresta Estamparia De Metais Ltda

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Business type

  • stamping servicse on products in the field of metallurgy stamp esferus electrical electronics accessories

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario William ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker Guarulhos / SP | Brazil

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