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Athenas Isolantes Térmicos E Refratários Ltda

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2012



About Us

Since its founding in 1987, ATHENAS implemented in their day-to-day, as a differential, an agile management system, guided by strict principles of quality, recognized and certified by ISO 9001/2008.

By investing systematically in qualification of personnel in new technologies and research the best prices and thermal insulation products worldwide, and ATHENAS ensures the excellence of its services. Be it the preparation of projects, whether the sale of material for the industrial area, either during assembly, supervision and implementation of products, the entire structure is geared to meet the needs and expectations of each client. The cost / benefit of projects and marketed products is ensured by ATHENAS, which provides for clients throughout the national market, extending its boundaries to the countries of Latin America.

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Athenas Isolantes Térmicos E Refratários Ltda

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Business type

  • Silicon carbide: Products braided and twisted ropes Fiberglass Ceramic Fiber Fire: containment systems Insulators High Voltage Insulators Low Voltage Insulators fiber glass insulators Insulation Ceramic Insulation Cryogenic Insulation Fiberglass Insulation rock wool or wool mineral insulation mica insulation paper and cardboard insulation silica insulation resistant and flame retardant Thermal Insulating Materials Acoustics and glass wool Blanket Thermal Insulation Heating Elements Heating Elements: Coils Heating Elements for Electric Appliance Heating Elements for Hot Boards aluminized fabrics Fabrics Fiber Aramid Fiber Glass Fabrics Non-Woven Fabrics (TNT) Ceramic Textiles Textile glass fiber textiles Silica Refractory Bricks fiber braid

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Roberto ********
  • icone de telefone +55 31********
  • map-marker CONTAGEM / MG | Brazil

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