Our company is self-sufficient in producing pine wood to be used as industrial raw material for the manufacture of various pine products, such as solid and finger-joint edge glued panels (EGP), jambs, doors and components for furniture.<br><br>More specifically, our products include:<br><br>Solid and Finger-Joint Edge Glued Panels (EGP):<br> Whole / Solid <br> With Junctions: Side (finger side) <br> Veneers<br><br>Complete Internal Door Kits<br><br>Compensated Internal Doors (flush door)<br> Categories: solid, semi-solid. <br><br>Door Frames<br> Solid: Foreign (outside Jambs and split jambs)<br> Interiors (flat Jambs / American model) <br> Veneers: (Flat Jamb)<br><br>Mexican Style Doors<br><br>For more information, please contact us.
- pine wood raw material doors
Production Capacity:
An annual manufacturing capacity of 60,000 interior doors and processing of 20,000 cubic meters of sawn timber into value-added products.
Delivery Timeframe:
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Baía Madeiras Renováveis
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Business type
- pine wood door frame baia
Contact and location
Gilmar ********
+55 49********
Ponte Serrada / SC | Brazil