• Pulp firmer, "Shelf-life" very long;<br>• Fast and uniform ripening;<br>• Format prettier;<br>• Pulp colored salmon;<br>• Smaller size - on average 400gr;<br>• content of sugar (brix) 9-12;<br>• It should be consumed very yellow - 90 to 100\% color;<br>• In the summer still look good.• In the summer still look good.
- Papaya
- Bello Golden
- Pulp firmer
Production Capacity:
Not informed
Delivery Timeframe:
Not informed
Not informedPackaging Details:
Not informed
More about
Bello Fruit Imp. E Exp. Ltda
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Not informed
Not informed
Not informed
Business type
- facilitates the logistics with the whole country
- ports and airports for export. The region is also the main papaya-growing area in the country.
Contact and location
Miriam ********
+55 73********
Mucuri / BA | Brazil