The Business Advisory Service and International Marketing is the dissemination of products offered by your company to the international market by offering the same in official channels of overseas marketing, e-mail sending marketing to potential customers abroad - given directly by you and other customers picked up by us through our international prospecting services. We are convinced that to provide this service for your company, you will have a significant increase of sales opportunities and demands of its products worldwide. The service also consists in the realization of cost calculations and negotiations exports with customers abroad by the Belog Brazil, as well as performing all the logistical and bureaucratic part corresponding to the process, thus giving full security for their exports.
- dissemination
- international
- product
- service
- e-mail marketing
- export
More about
Belog Brasil
10M - 50M
Sales volume (USD)
% Export sales
Business type
- Industry / Manufacturer
- Importer / Trading Company
- Buying Office
- Representative / Agent
- Distributor / Wholesaler
- Business Service
- Trade
- Trading
- Foreign Trade
- Consultancy
- Consulting
- Siscomex
- Radar
- Importer
- Exporter
- Logistics
- Customs Clearance
- Behalf
- Drawback
- Back to Back
- Tractor
- Agricultural Machinery
- Informatica
- Lubricant Oil
- Brazilian Beef
- Steel
- Wood
- Comércio Exterior
- Assessoria
- Consultoria
- Siscomex
- Radar
- Importadora
- Exportadora
- Drawback
- Back to Back
- Trator
- Maquinario Agricola
- Oleo Lubrificante
- Carne
- Aço
- Madeira Ver Mais
Contact and location
Celso ********
+55 51********
Porto Alegre / RS | Brazil