Export service for corporations of any size and field of activity, provided by Belog Brazil and supported by the IRS and the Central Bank of Brazil, and signed by an export contract. Through this solution, our customers can take advantage of services such as advising and consulting, auditing and inspection, complete management of the export process, along with international and national logistics, financial services for receivables from abroad, customs and documentary services included in order integrated into its export processes.<br />
<br />
Key Benefits:
Documentary advice and customs services throughout Brazil;
Full advice and monitoring throughout the process;
Development of special projects according to their needs and demands;
Tax exemption of IPI, PIS, COFINS and ICMS;
Minimizing risks involving the export transactions;
Credit facilities obtained for financing exports;
Responsibility for operation and full implementation by the Belog Brazil;
Operation without the need to enable the customer at Siscomex (Radar) of the Internal Revenue Service;
Reducing operating costs and logistical incidents in exports.
- Trade
- Trading
- Foreign Trade Consultancy
- Consulting
- Siscomex
- Radar
- Exporter
- Tractor
- Machinery Agricola
- Lubricant Oil
- Brazilian meat
- steel
- wood
- Exports
- Foreign Trade
- Consultancy
- Consulting
- Exportation
- Exporter
- Tractor
More about
Belog Brasil
10M - 50M
Sales volume (USD)
% Export sales
Business type
- Industry / Manufacturer
- Importer / Trading Company
- Buying Office
- Representative / Agent
- Distributor / Wholesaler
- Business Service
- Trade
- Trading
- Foreign Trade
- Consultancy
- Consulting
- Siscomex
- Radar
- Importer
- Exporter
- Logistics
- Customs Clearance
- Behalf
- Drawback
- Back to Back
- Tractor
- Agricultural Machinery
- Informatica
- Lubricant Oil
- Brazilian Beef
- Steel
- Wood
- Comércio Exterior
- Assessoria
- Consultoria
- Siscomex
- Radar
- Importadora
- Exportadora
- Drawback
- Back to Back
- Trator
- Maquinario Agricola
- Oleo Lubrificante
- Carne
- Aço
- Madeira Ver Mais
Contact and location
Celso ********
+55 51********
Porto Alegre / RS | Brazil