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Bel Quimica Espanola Com Imp Exp De Cosm Ltda-Epp

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2011



About Us

Bel Col Cosmetics, which specializes in product development guided by the biotechnology and genetic engineering, joined by stringent quality standards, operates in the Brazilian market for over 15 years and maintains offices in major cities in Brazil and other countries.

Focusing on its products lines of treatments for blemishes, acne and rejuvenation, Bel Col Cosmetics has a modern infrastructure and an experienced service team that provides technical and commercial support to the consuming public.

intaining a direct commitment to scientific research, a fact that led her to master the technology of application of collagen and incorporate it as part of its name: Bel, beauty and Col, collagen. In addition to the fluid of collagen, the brand also has several options in facial and body products for both professional use in offices, as applied to daily home.

For professionals in the skin, the Bel Col offers hygiene products and toning, anti-acne, acids, masks and creams that biotech rejuvenate, regenerate and provide higher brightness, uniformity and clearing if the skin.

MISSION: Our mission is to preserve and promote the welfare and complete satisfaction of our customer with honesty, integrity and ethics in all aspects of business.

Providing quality product and service elite working with dedication, enthusiasm and passion always considering respect for the individual.

VALUES: Honesty - Integrity - Transparency - Respect for the individual.

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Bel Quimica Espanola Com Imp Exp De Cosm Ltda-Epp

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Business type

  • treatments for blemishes
  • acne and rejuvenation Bel Col Cosmetics biotechnology and genetic engineering
  • joined by stringent quality standards

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Nayara ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker Barueri / SP | Brazil

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