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Bettanin Industrial S/a

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2008



About Us

Bettanin, leader in the market of household cleaning products, with more than 240 milion of pieces produced annually, originated the Bettanin Industrial Group. A strong group, formed by companies of national approach, focused on the development of modern and high quality products.

Investments in new products and innovative designs guide the company’s actions. This is why the company continues to grow, always focusing on making the consumers life easier.

Everyday, Bettanin products are used by millions of people worldwide. This responsibility results in constant investments in human resources, technical researches and product test developments, recycling and waste treatment. These actions result in the recognition of our brand by a growing number of demanding consumers.

Technology has always been an important characteristic of Bettanin products . Many new products have been launched on the market due to our constant investments in research and products development. Therefore, today Bettanin is an example of innovation to the market, even having its design and technology copied by some competitors.

The machines that manufacture the brooms and brushes are developed in Italy and Germany. The virgin plastic technology is developed in partnership with Triunfo Petrochemical Pole. Besides, Bettanin is always searching for new plastic recycling technologies in United States, as a result of its awareness of the environment sustainability.

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Bettanin Industrial S/a

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Business type

  • housewares cleaning professional

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Rafael ********
  • icone de telefone +55 51********
  • map-marker Esteio / RS | Brazil

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