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Cedasa Industria E Comercio De Pisos Ltda.

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2012



About Us

The company CEDASA INDUSTRY AND TRADE FLOORS LTD, founded in 1990 by the family Pascon, starts its activities with a monthly production of 300 thousand square meters.

Its administrative headquarters and factory is located in the city of St. Gertrude the State of São Paulo, where are located the largest and best deposits of clay. Next to the state capital and 250 km from the port of Santos, the strategic location favors the logistics and transportation of their products exported as well as its main raw material (clay).

When valuing human relationships and how a team of qualified employees, it was during these years, increasing production, winning new customers, getting to take your brand and products throughout the national market and several other countries.

Thus, in 2000, a new manufacturing plant (branch) was also installed in the city of Santa Gertrudes and is now considered the largest and most modern flooring and coatings industry in Latin America.

High-tech equipment and advanced Italian technology produces flooring and with the most varied types, high brightness and unquestionable quality, always following the trends of the market and can thus offer its customers differentiated products that provide harmony and wellness environments where many are installed.

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Cedasa Industria E Comercio De Pisos Ltda.

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Business type

  • floor
  • flooring
  • modern flooring
  • Cedasa Flooring

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Aliadna ********
  • icone de telefone +55 19********
  • map-marker SANTA GERTRUDES / SP | Brazil

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