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Cem Produtos Plasticos

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2013



About Us

All of us loves ice cream, one of the most delicious inventions of humanity. It was thinking in meeting this market and contributing to transport for you, partner customer, the best flavors and the greatest pleasures, that the company CEM - PRODUTOS PLÁSTICOS presents its line of strollers for ice cream.

When you purchase a product company CEM - PRODUTOS PLÁSTICOS you will be buying a complete package of care. Behind this product is a business structure that prey for efficiency, innovation and above all the quality of your final product.

The CEM Company also has a strong environmental concern and is committed to constantly minimize and avoid environmental and social risks and make all their operations as environmentally friendly as possible by making continuous efforts to minimize environmental hazards, health and safety for our employees.

A serious company, formed mainly by qualified professionals and entrepreneurs. We strive every day to overcome our trade relations you always prioritizing customer.

More about
Cem Produtos Plasticos

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Business type

  • carts
  • ice cream
  • popsicle maker
  • popsicle cart
  • strollers

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario MARCELO ********
  • icone de telefone +55 54********
  • map-marker GETULIO VARGAS / RS | Brazil

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