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Ceramica Santa Terezinha S.a.

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2009



About Us

Cerâmica Santa Terezinha S.A. is the second largest manufacturer of electrical porcelain insulators in Brazil since 1960, with a monthly production of 500 metric tons of porcelain, and is also the second largest producer of electrical suspension toughened glass insulators since 1999, with an assembling output of 100,000 units per month.
Cerâmica Santa Terezinha S.A covers a total area of 25.000 m2 divided into two plants, employing about 350 workers in the town of Pedreira (SP), about 150 km situated from São Paulo; its sales increased from 12 US $ million dollars in the year 2000 to 18 US $ million dollars the following year and 40\% of its output production is being exported to more than thirty countries around the globe.

Our policy consists in keeping a permanent technological updating, within such security and excellency patterns in the quality of our products, in order to continue meeting the high technical requirements of the electricity market. The market CST is covering, basically consists distribution, substation and transmission sectors in the electrical power area. Our main customers are Electricity Utilities, Industries, Engineering Companies, Transmission Line Constructors and Wholesalers of Electricity Utility Material. Our products are used in industrial installations of middle voltage from 1 kV up to 69 kV, Distribution Lines and Networks up to 35 kV and Overhead Transmission Lines up to 800 kV.

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Ceramica Santa Terezinha S.a.

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Business type

  • insulators porcelain glass electrical distribution transmission substation station plant

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Sales ********
  • icone de telefone +55 19********
  • map-marker Pedreira / SP | Brazil

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