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Civemasa Implementos Agricolas Ltda

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2008



About Us

CIVEMASA was founded in 1957 by groups of sugar mill workers from Araras and surrounding areas, seeking to do aftersales service on domestic and imported vehicles.With the constant development and the search for new areas in which to work, CIVEMASA incorporated another company, EPEMA, in 1967, thus becoming the developer and producer of agricultural products that did soil preparation, planting and cultivation of sugar cane.

The need to mechanize emerging crops led CIVEMASA to expand its production, idealizing a complete line of agricultural products for every kind of crop. Using the remains of organic material to fertilize the land, besides being ecologically correct, reduces expenses with chemical fertilizers. This concept led CIVEMASAto produce the Organic Residue Composter in 1993, which is used to transform and optimize organic material remains into a compost that is usable in soil.

Located in Araras - SP, along the Anhanguera Highway, CIVEMASA chose to dedicate itself completely to agriculture in 1999. Working in the market of mechanized planting of whole and chopped up sugar cane allowed for a faster and more personalized agricultural market, both domestic and international. The needs of its customers and the quality of its products are a constant concern for CIVEMASA, thus contributing to continuous evolution.

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Civemasa Implementos Agricolas Ltda

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Business type

  • agricultural machines equipment Cultivator Disk Harrow Disk Plow Divers Fertilizer Distributor Furrow Maker Harvester Sugar Cane Offset Disk Harrow Overflow Truck Sugar Cane Coverer Sugar Cane Loaders Sugar Cane Planter Susoiler Terracing Utilities

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Export ********
  • icone de telefone +55 19********
  • map-marker Araras / SP | Brazil

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