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Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2024



About Us

Founded in Bahia in 2020, by executive pastry chef Sonivan Cunha, CO. COOK offers a wide variety of Masalas so that any person or cook can, in a practical way, live the reality of the dream of giving unique flavors to their recipes. Our products are developed following the basic principles of healthy cooking: no added salt, sugar and fats. With CO. COOK you will be able to make every meal a reason to celebrate life with your friends and family. "Spices are parts of plants that are richer in flavor and aroma than most other ingredients. That is why we present to you concoctions used by native chiefs on the streets of the countries I have passed through and other mixtures of herbs and seeds resulting from flavors of my own." Today we produce 30 flavors of coffee blends, chocolates and Classic Spice blends from ethnic cuisines such as Garam Masala, Panch Phoran, Baharat, Chimichurri, etc. Mixtures may contain spices, leaves, stems, flowers and fruits. All products are ground or dried in natura. Valid for 01 year. PACKAGING: Option 01, Kraft Stand up pouch bags 80g (final weight 75g), cotton labels. Option 02, Paper box 30g (final weight 36g) colored in a tropical version, foliage print and eyelets. Option 03, 80g glass (Brazil exclusive final weight 380g), cotton label. GIFT BOXES: corrugated cardboard, loose lid: Option A, 80g glass + 60g bag (2 to 4 bags). Option B, 60g bags (4 to 8 units)

Main Markets

  • South America

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Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer

  • Blends
  • Spices
  • Ethnic Cuisine
  • Ground

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Sonivan ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker São Paulo / SP | Brazil

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