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Conservas Oderich S/a

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2012



About Us

Conservas Oderich S.A. produces the most complete range of preserves (meat, vegetables, fruit, sauces, pickles, tomato products and mayonnaise) in Brazil. Its annual production reaches figures over 100,000 ton a year and, over 300 million units of empty packaging.

This company is owns three modern factories of preserved food. It also owns a factory of metal packaging which is located in Eldorado Do Sul City, RS and takes the charge of supplying with steel cans the productive food units.

With 2,300 employees in its payroll, its collaborators are responsible for a production of more than 200 different products.

All fruit, vegetables and similar material are brought forth by more than 200 families of farmers in association with the Company (Oderich S/A). Beef, pork and chicken, more than 150 ton a day, are supplied by first-class slaughterhouses which follow the international standard rules.

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Conservas Oderich S/a

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Business type

  • meat
  • vegetables
  • fruit
  • sauces
  • pickles
  • tomato products
  • mayonnaise
  • food
  • Ver Mais

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario PAULO ********
  • icone de telefone +55 51********
  • map-marker SÃO SEBASTIÃO DO CAÍ / RS | Brazil

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