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Crismoe Metais Finos Para Banheiros Ltda

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Since 2008



About Us

CRISMOE was founded on 10/07/1987, 100\% with brazilian capital, with the objective of manufacturing high quality accessories for bathrooms.

At that time, it was starting the “bathroom” concept in Brazil, something really appreciated in the developed countries, where people can really admire the real meaning of comfort and harmony.

The fine accessories (towel bars, holders, toilet roll holder, wall soap dish, etc) that could be found in the market were most of them brought from Europe, reason why the prices were skyrocketing, but it was not a good reason for people not to buy them. There were at that time, some industries which used to manufacture bathroom accessories, but without concerning about quality and design. Home centers and building material & supplies dealers used to distribute the products.

CRISMOE was created by its two owners, extremely experienced in the metallurgical industry that foresaw a future niche market: “the bathroom boutique” that is, small shops, fashionably decorated, selling only fine (imported) products by specialized and friendly staff.

Nowadays, CRISMOE is the most highly respected company in the market, and its products are distributed in over 200 stores countrywide. The high quality products and exclusive design are sort of inverting the market, businessmen wordwide are interested in CRISMOE, even those from the countries which were source of inspiration for our products.

CRISMOE is constantly searching for the world’s fashion trends and yearly provides at least two new releases.

We have at the current catalog, collections with a wide array of designs, for instance the elegant and classic English colonial, the glamorousness of the modern that can be found in the organic collections, the clean style, or even the stylishness, exclusiveness and boldness of the vanguard collections.

We have a creative department for CRISMOE designs which have been well accepted and praised. Besides the countrywide success, we have already started the external trade, negotiating with several countries. We’re working mainly with the United States and Germany which always express admiration and approval about the high quality and beauty of the products. Brazil has no tradition in this market, reason why all the achievements proudly represent our country.

We are located in Rodovia Raposo Tavares Km 29.5, where we have a structure built in almost 1 acre of land, appropriate support for our development and the ideal logistics conditions to enlarge our array of products, and, as when we started in 1987, we always have in mind that quality is our rule number 1.

Nowadays, are also part of our catalogue, specific products for hotels, flats, motels, hospitals and inns. These specific CRISMOE accessories are famous for its quality and beauty, and can be found countrywide, in hotel chains like ACCOR, MELIA, HOLIDAY INN, STAY BRIDGE, MATSUBARA, RIEMA, INTERCITY, MERCURE, TRANSAMERICA, ATLANTICA HOTELS and BLUE TREE.

We proudly present you CRISMOE.

More about
Crismoe Metais Finos Para Banheiros Ltda

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Business type

  • fine accessories (towel bars
  • holders
  • toilet roll holder
  • wall soap dish

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Luciana ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker Cotia / SP | Brazil

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