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Cruzaco Fundição E Mecânica Ltda.

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Since 2012



About Us

Founded by Mr. Thomaz Melo Cruz, Cruzaço started its business in mid-1987. Occupying a constructed area of approximately 25,000 sq.m., Cruzaço has a high technology and well equipped facilities. Its rated capacity is 1200ton/month of steel casting, with weight up to 9,000 kg per finished part. Strategically located on D. Pedro I highway, a mid a vast and new road network, Cruzaço lies 80 km from the city of Sao Paulo and is, this, relatively near the port of Santos, from where its products are shipped abroad.

Carbon steel, low, medium and high alloy steel. Austenitic manganese hadfield and cast white iron.

The above mentioned materials are produced under specifications of the ABNT (Brazilian Technical Standards Association) and/or according to international technical standards, as ASTM, DIN, AAR, SAE, etc.

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Cruzaco Fundição E Mecânica Ltda.

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Business type

  • Cruzaço Fundição e Mecânica Ltda.
  • Carbon steel
  • low
  • medium and high alloy steel
  • austenitic manganese hadfield
  • cast white iron.
  • Ver Mais

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Silvio ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker JARINU / SP | Brazil

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