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Dabi Atlante

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2012



About Us

The Brazilian Industry of Dental Equipment as Dabi (was first named), founded on August 30th, 1946 in Ribeirão Preto, a land of agricultural and commercial traditions, has always been a pioneer in researching new concepts for odontology.

After a corporative change in 1954, the company kept expanding it business. In the early 70´s a new partnership was established with Atlante AS Indústrias Médico Odontológicas, a company originally from São Paulo. As a result of its growth, Dabi built its current plant located on Anhanguera Highway.

In July, 1976, Atlante was definitely incorporated by Dabi becoming Dabi Atlante S/A Indústrias Médico Odontológicas. A couple of months later, the company began operating in its new facilities with a constructed area of 35 thousand square meters and 110 thousand meters of total area.

Dabi Atlante, with 6 decades of activities , has built a reputation based on seriousness and quality, aiming at the development of dentistry. From the beginning, Dabi Atlante invested in teamwork, research and products development to attend the dental professionals´ and patients´ needs. Currently, Dabi has more than 80 thousand dental units in operation throughout the Brazilian territory and its line of 116 different equipment goes beyond national borders. Dabi is present in five continents, mobilizing a chain of over two thousand professionals in Brazil and worldwide.

This is Dabi Atlante, a company that has incorporated dynamism in its work, becoming the biggest dental equipment producer in South America and one of the seven biggest companies of the sector in the world.

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Dabi Atlante

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Business type

  • dental
  • equipament
  • industry
  • researching
  • concepts
  • odontology
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Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Luciana ********
  • icone de telefone +55 16********
  • map-marker SAO PAULO / SP | Brazil

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