De Letra is a translation bureau providing language services which also include editing, proofreading, copywriting and subtitling. Based in southern Brazil, we specialise in translation from and into Brazilian Portuguese and work with carefully selected professionals and an in-house quality control department. As a lean organisation, we offer a personal service to meet customer requirements.<br />
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De Letra works with the translation, version, revision and adaptation of documents in several languages (Portuguese, English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Russian, Dutch, Swedish, Korean and Arabic, among others) and different areas: journalism, marketing , finance, business, science, engineering, foreign trade, among others. Free Quote.<br />
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- Translation
- version
- revision
More about
De Letra
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Business type
- Business Service
- Translation
- version
- revision
Contact and location
Ângela ********
+55 51********
Canoas / RS | Brazil