Oxygen Generator VPSA USIOX<br><br>Main specification:<br><br>1) High energy efficiency: just 0,5 Kw/per Cubic meter Oxygen at 95\% and 1 bar<br><br>2) Models since 50 to 4000 m3/hour<br><br>3) 24 hour working<br><br>Aplication:<br><br>1) Oxygen burn with natural gas less consumption<br><br>2) High temperature flames in industrial process<br><br>3) Ceramic industry<br><br>4) Iron, aluminium, plumb industry<br><br>5) Several aplication<br><br>Main Componentns:<br><br>1) Blower<br><br>2) Storage tanks<br><br>3) Heat exchange<br><br>4) Oxygen compressor<br><br>5) Molecular sieve concentrator<br>
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Dinatec Indústria E Comércio Ltda
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- gas
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Curitiba / PA | Brazil