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Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2013



About Us

From a great entrepreneurial spirit, envisioning a future full of opportunities, our company was founded in 1969 as a family business, operating in the lumber business. Later, we would act as wooden window frames industry.

In this context, in March 1991, Esquadrias Eidt Ltda – ESEL was born in Tunápolis-SC. In 2004 the company moved to the city of Santa Helena-SC, where it works on large, modern facility, with 4200m ² of built area.

In a friendly, experienced staff perform their tasks with dedication to consumer expectation is met.

ESEL manufactures doors and wooden windows, distributing its products in three distinct lines:
  • POP line: popular, simple and quality product. Available in the woods of Eucalyptus and Mixed Wood Amended;
  • GOLD line: high quality product, available in the woods of angelim, Cedar Mara, Itaúba, Eucalyptus and Mixed Wood;
  • CLASSIC line: export quality product, high standard of quality and finishing, to meet the most demanding customers, is constructed with wood and cedar Mara with different hardware.

    ESEL has as mission: "To serve the needs of customers by offering quality wooden frames, innovating technology and management, valuing employees and partners."

    Vision: "To be among the leading companies in the industry, in southern Brazil, and may be cited as the benchmark for quality and excellence, where employees have pride and satisfaction of working."

    ESEL operates in the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina, with expansion projects for other states.

    The transportation is done by committed partners allowing the products reach the destination in perfect condition and in prearranged term, aiming for customer satisfaction.

    Given the importance of renewable sources of raw materials for the future, invests in ESEL areas of eucalypt plantations, high quality wood and allows a great finish to the products. Since 2006 eucalyptus are present in the production line ESEL, products Lines and POP GOLD, enjoying wide acceptance in the market.

    Also concerned with the preservation of the environment, the waste generated by the company are carefully designed to partner companies, which are used in boilers for burning bricks.

    The trust and credibility with customers is the result of a reputable, ethical and competent work that the company has developed from over 20 years of history, where the acquisition of new customers and partners is growing every day.

    ESEL, quality, variety and tradition since 1991.

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Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer

  • Carpentry
  • wood
  • window
  • door
  • opening

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Anderson ********
  • icone de telefone +55 49********
  • map-marker Santa Helena / SC | Brazil

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