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Farisco RH

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2020



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Recruitment and Selection of People


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Service area:



Recruitment & Selection

Aiming at agility and assertiveness, our selection process has a team of specialized professionals to meet the demands of our customers at all hierarchical levels and in different segments.

We prioritize the service so that our client saves time to invest in your business and do not worry when hiring new professionals.

We carry out all stages of the selection process, from the dissemination of the opportunity in the channels of search and capture of professionals, individual or collective interviews, group dynamics, application of technical tests, psychological evaluation (oriented to professional evaluation) and technical opinions.

When necessary, our team is also prepared to conduct interviews in English.

Tech Recruitment

If you are looking for the best talent in the technology field, Farisco RH has the best solution for you!

We use our social networks and specialized funding sources to attract and capture professionals trained to work with Development, Infrastructure, Technical Support and other jobs in the area of technology.

Our process is proactive, that is, we perform an active search (head hunting) to find the best professionals, in the shortest time possible. In this way, our clients have access to professionals who do not normally apply for opportunities on conventional search sites and we get where many other contacts do not arrive!

Bring your tech slots to us and let our team find your solution!

  • recruitment
  • selection
  • interview
  • rh

More about
Farisco RH

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0 - 100K

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Business type
  • Business Service

  • recruitment
  • techrecruiter
  • selection
  • hiring rh
  • fariscorh

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Amanda ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker São Paulo / SP | Brazil

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