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Finincorp Ltda

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2009



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About Us

We are a company that works in the area of financial advisory and investment. Born of an ambitious project: creating investment solutions that are both as a highly profitable, but also of positive and sustained development.

We have operated for several years in the industry, acting as a financial consultant with a long tradition and expertise in domestic and international financial market, which serves the medium and large enterprises.

The main challenge of Finincorp Ltd. is the excellence of services and customization of the relationship with clients, geared to the principles of strategic flexibility, professionalism and selectivity in business opportunities.

Our activities are conducted by a team of professionals with significant experience and financial capacity for innovation, always has based its action by the discretion and ethics. The activities are concentrated in products of funding and fund-raising. We in Brazil and Portugal and we have representatives in Sao Paulo, Minas Gerais, Florianopolis and Uruguay.

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Finincorp Ltda

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Business type

  • financial advisory and investment

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Filipe ********
  • icone de telefone +55 81********
  • map-marker Recife / PE | Brazil

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