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Gerdau Aços Longos S.a.

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2012



About Us

Gerdau is the leading company in the production of long steel in the Americas and one of the major suppliers of specialty long steel in the world. With more than 45,000 employees, Gerdau has an installed capacity of more than 25 million metric tons of steel and it is the largest recycler in Latin America, and around the world, it transforms millions of metric tons of scrap into steel every year.

More than a century ago, Gerdau began its expansion path and now has a presence in 14 countries: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, India, Mexico, Peru, Spain, U.S., Uruguay and Venezuela.

Its products, sold on five continents, serve the civil construction, industrial and agricultural sectors. Gerdau products, in all their diverse forms, have a day-to-day presence in the lives of people. They are an integral part of the structure of homes, shopping centers, hospitals, bridges and hydroelectric plants; they are part of power and telephone lines; they are raw material for automotive parts and they can be found at work on the farm.

With over 140,000 shareholders, Gerdau\\s public companies are listed on the stock exchanges of São Paulo, New York, Madrid, and Lima. Gerdau pursues efficiency and growth with profitability, always with a commitment to sustainable development.

More about
Gerdau Aços Longos S.a.

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Business type

  • long steel
  • spike
  • rail
  • wires
  • gerdau

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Murilo ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker MARACANAU / CE | Brazil

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