We market domestic fabrics and haberdashery for parties, brides, bridesmaids and debutantes and special occasions. <br><br>Always get the latest in fabrics every season, printed fabrics, flat, lace and embroidery, silk, wool and variety of patterns in different tissue types. <br><br>Our product lines are:<br> 100\% Silk<br> 100\% Polyester<br> Aya Tailoring Silk Women / Men<br> Cotton<br> Embroidery / Lace<br> Liners<br> Pure wool interlining MX / Mixed<br> Cashimir<br> Linens<br> Bridesmaids / Whites<br> Sequins<br> Silk Lace<br> Artificial Skins<br> Velvet<br><br>For more information, contact us.<br><br><br>
- fabrics haberdashery Silk 100\% Polyester Aya Tailoring Silk Women / Men Cotton Embroidery / Lace Liners Pure wool MX / Mixed Cashimir Linens Bridesmaids / Whites Sequins Silk Lace Artificial Skins Velvet
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Gj Comercio E Importacao De Tecidos Ltda
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Business type
- fabrics and haberdashery
Contact and location
Joana ********
+55 11********
São Paulo / SP | Brazil