More about
Greenext Importacao E Comercio Ltda
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Business type
- Greenext Group
- equipment for green areas
- Imports
- markets
- provides thecnical assistance
- grass-cutting machines
- planting hole
- irrigation system
- Toro
- golf courses
- golf courses Brazil
- football fields
- residential and commercial lawns
- green areas in Brazil
- Kawasaki engines and parts
- industrial and off road vehicles
- Argo
- Ahmphibian Vehicles
- Ez-Go
- Bad Boy
- tugs electrical
- Cushman
- grass-cutting machines
- parts
- equipment and acessories
- maintaning football field
- laws sporting
- coomercial and residential
- transport of persons
- cargo and logistics industries
- Greenext Importacao E Comercio Ltda Ver Mais
Contact and location
Fernando Carrazedo
+55 11 xxxxxxxx
Barueri / SP | Brazil