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Grumey Sa Armazens Gerais Guardatudo

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2009



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About Us

Established in 1940 and introducing in Brazil the concept of General Warehouses, Grümey S/A is the most traditional storage company in Rio de Janeiro.

The Commitment of Grümey is to provide a variety of quality services to its customers taking care of the customers supply enabling you the customer and client to invest more time into your business. To more effectively work your supply and the movement of your products, speaks with us.

Grümey can help you to optimize the logistic costs of your company and so facilitates you the customer and client to become more competitive in the market.

More about
Grumey Sa Armazens Gerais Guardatudo

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Business type

  • GRUMEY storage warehouse

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Commercial ********
  • icone de telefone +55 21********
  • map-marker Rio de Janeiro / RJ | Brazil

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