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Grupo Moldurarte

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2010



About Us

The MOLDURARTE Group was founded in 1973 in the state of Santa Catarina, in the southern part of Brazil. The region in which the factories are located is populated in large measure by descendants of German and Italian immigrants. Heriberto Effting, the founder, was the son of a family of German immigrants. The company started out producing mirrors. The company grew over the years and the production of wooden moulding became their primary product. Today, it can be said, that they are the largest producers of picture frame moulding in length in South America and have own forests which supply much of the lumber used for their product line.

Today our goal remains the same – We stock large quantities of over 300 moulding styles in a host of designs and finishes – all are of great value and are also sold on our domestic market. Because of this new marketing concept, we can supply small quantities of each item if you this is what you require. For example you can order 100 meters (400 ft) per profile and finish. Or, if you need a customized profile, we will need an order of at least 500 meters (3000 ft) per profile for production - this is subject to the shape and finish of the profile.

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Grupo Moldurarte

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Business type

  • Wood Picture Frame Moulding

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Roberto ********
  • icone de telefone +55 48********
  • map-marker Braço do Norte / SC | Brazil

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