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Henan Growing Mechanical Equipment Co.,Ltd

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Cow Cattle pregnancy test paper (paper) by urine

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Cattle pregnancy test paper (paper) product features:

Pregnancy test paper (paper) is used for early pregnancy diagnosis of cattle. It has the advantages of high accuracy, simple operation, fast detection, room temperature storage, easy to carry and harmless to the mother and fetus.

Features: - two red lines indicate pregnancy;

One red line indicates non pregnancy

Best date for pregnancy diagnosis:
The diagnosis of the first pregnancy was made 19,20,21,22 days after mating during estrus. - diagnosis of the second pregnancy 40 days after estrus to ensure cattle are pregnant.

Product use: - use containers in cattle urine, open the aluminum foil, take out the test papers - hold the handle (blue) at the end of the paper, will be immersed in urine dipsticks MAX end (urine levels shall not exceed the MAX line) - at this point, by capillary action , the cattle urine will slowly move the other end of the test paper, when urine climbed to 2/3 or crawl to complete the test paper, you can see one or two red lines
-5 minutes to determine the result: pregnancy or not

  • rapid visual pregnancy test for cattle
  • cow pregnancy test strip paper
  • buffalo pregnancy test stripe

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Henan Growing Mechanical Equipment Co.,Ltd

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  • Industry / Manufacturer
  • Importer / Trading Company

  • cow body brush
  • cow pregnancy test strip
  • cow feeder

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario julia ********
  • icone de telefone +86 37********
  • map-marker Zhengzhou / Henan | China

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