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hengshui jielian steel structure co.,ltd

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About Us

Hengshui Jielian Steel Structure Co. , Ltd. is the production of a variety of beautification towers, craft towers, single-tube towers, communication towers, lightning towers, microwave towers, watchtowers, power towers, base station slather beautification antenna, integrated base stations, bionic trees and iron tower daiwei professional manufacturers. The company has domestic advanced production lines, large-scale CNC bending equipment and a variety of testing equipment, annual production capacity of more than 30,000 tons. The Company has excellent business management, marketing and engineering professional designers. Can provide customers with excellent engineering design and comprehensive after-sales service to meet a variety of customer design and practical requirements. Companies adhere to the "quality to create brand, brand to occupy the market" principle, depending on product quality for the life of the enterprise, in technology development, product modeling, product structure, raw materials procurement, production and processing, etc. in strict accordance with the ISO9001 international quality standards system.

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hengshui jielian steel structure co.,ltd

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Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer

  • Power tower
  • communication tower
  • angle steel tower
  • pipe tower

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario hardy ********
  • icone de telefone +86 31********
  • map-marker 衡水市景县 / 河北省 | China

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