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Hwl Cofres

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2015



About Us

The HWL Safes a company that produces security safes, est to 7 years on the market making it the best in safe h model tomada.Os our safes are made with tooling cutting, bending, painting automotive, through bath immersed with a perfect finish and uniform in the area of internal and external peae receive the connection via plug where the electrical energy locked at the time of handling , unlike the similar. Our safes are very popular spots for commercial, residential, hotels consultrios, second homes, finally, in several other places where the security key. Safe electrical socket with Ligao * Ligao made real through electrical plug, so it is locked the safe handling, allowing even more realism and secret safe (making and / or switch on gets just as a cover). * Universal fit for front mirror allowing it to be installed in accordance with the design and style of decoration desired. * The safe taken accessed by key internal and external easy handling, making false left side being used for the first access.

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Hwl Cofres

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Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer

  • safes are made with tooling cutting
  • bending
  • painting automotive
  • through bath immersed with a perfect finish and uniform

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Rosana ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker Santo André / AC | Brazil

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