The company is among the four largest producers of offset plates of the world. <br><br>IBF exports its products to over 70 countries on five continents, and still is the second in the film market for medical radiology.<br><br>Our product lines include:<br>Films:<br> Imagesetters<br> Orthochromatic<br> Daylight<br><br>Chamicals:<br> For Films<br> For Plates<br><br>Processors:<br> Film Processors<br> Plate Processors<br>
- Offset Plates and Films Imagesetters
Production Capacity:
Not informed
Delivery Timeframe:
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More about
Ibf Indústria Brasileira De Filmes S/a
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Business type
- graphic plates xray radioactive film radiology medical offset
Contact and location
Pedro ********
+55 21********
Duque de Caxias / RJ | Brazil