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Ibi Do Brasil Produtos Florestais Ltda

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2011



About Us

IBI International is a privately owned company established in 1995 in Sweden. The company has grown steadily over the years and is today a major supplier of building materials, mainly from Brazil and China, to the Caribbean islands, Central America, West Africa and Northern Europe.

We assist our customers all the way from sourcing to delivery, including quality controls, insurance, documents and financing. If problems occur, we work hard to resolve them.

IBI International can offer a wide range of quality products at competitive prices. Our strength is our ability to offer flexible solutions for your specific needs. We match product specifications and volumes after your requirements, and are able to combine various products in the same shipment.

Our goal is to establish a long term relationship with our manufacturers and customers that are built on friendship and personal commitment.

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Ibi Do Brasil Produtos Florestais Ltda

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Business type

  • major supplier of building materials
  • IBI do Brasil Produtos Florestais Ltda
  • IBI International - Building Materials Supplier

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Clarice ********
  • icone de telefone +55 41********
  • map-marker Curitiba / PA | Brazil

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