Real estate to live or invest. Find the best real estate opportunities on the beach, in the cities of Itapema, Porto Belo and Balneario Camboriu and Bombinhas.
Come live and invest in the best coast of Brazil, have quality of life, safety for you and your family in an excellent place with good sea view, walk on the beach with your children with the greatest tranquility and comfort there is. On the coast of Santa Catarina we have properties in Balneario Camboriu, Itapema, Meia Praia, Porto Belo, Perequê and Bombinhas. We have the best real estate options.
- itapema property
- beautiful port real estate
- real estate in itapema
- real estate in beautiful port
- real estate itapema
- real estate in itapema
- properties half beach
- real estate half beach.
More about
Imóvel na Praia
2M - 10M
Sales volume (USD)
Not informed
Business type
- Buying Office
- real estate en itapema
- real estate in itapema
- real estate in itapema
- real estate itapema
- real estate in itapema
- real estate in itapema
- immobiliaria em itapema em itapema sc
- imobiliarias em itapema sc
- imobiliarias meia praia
- immobiliaria meia praia Ver Mais
Contact and location
BRUNO ********
+55 47********
Itapema / SC | Brazil