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Ind. De Calçados Vivo Ltda.

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2012



About Us

Terra & Água (Land & Water) brand was born with the objective of creating the segment injected shoes, made of PVC, a new source of innovative products, making a mix with other materials such as fabrics, leather, EVA and others. Since its inception in 2000, the Terra & Água (Land & Water) produces shoes that enhance the charm and beauty of Brazilian women. And now from the first production, presented in Couromoda in 2001, the Terra & Água (Land & Water) remains stimulating and daring styles.

Create for the female audience is an exciting challenge for Terra & Água (Land & Water) because women love shoes, they know very well what they want and are very demanding.

Along the way, our brand has earned its place in the national market and more than 40 countries abroad, always focused on product differentiation, because as important as the high turnover at the point of sale is the satisfaction of the biggest reason for our existence: our consumers.

All models in the collection Terra & Água (Land & Water) have registered with the INPI (National Institute of Industrial Patents), which proves, in full, our shoes are legitimate.

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Ind. De Calçados Vivo Ltda.

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Business type

  • fabrics
  • leather
  • EVA
  • shoes
  • flip flops terra
  • agua
  • terra & agua
  • vivo
  • industria de calçados vivo
  • Ver Mais

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Girlene ********
  • icone de telefone +55 54********
  • map-marker FARROUPILHA / RS | Brazil

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