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Industria Comercio Produtos De Limpeza Girando Sol Ltda

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2008



About Us

Founded in April 1991, in Arroyo Environment in Rio Grande do Sul, Girando Sol produced at the time a daily average of 120 liters of fabric softener. Today, the industry produces 50 million liters annually, from fabric softener, disinfectants, dishwasher detergent, liquid wax with perfume, liquid wax auto shine, laundry detergent, classic sanitary water, traditional sanitary water, bleach with perfume, perfumed cleaners, cleaner with dilutable brightness, bright cleaner ready-to-wear, wash clothes in balanced power at versions in cartridges and sachets and wash clothes in powder day-to-day version in the sachet. Among sizes and fragrances totaling more than 130 items.


  • Vision 2008: Be in reference for solutions of hygiene products and cleaning and most remembered brand in the industry, in the South of Brazil. Being recognized as an organization focused on the customer, offering products and services of quality, seeking results that meet the needs of all stakeholders (customers, consumers, shareholders, employees / staff, community and suppliers).

  • Mission of the Girando Sol: Produce and distribute hygiene and cleaning solutions that combine quality at the best cost-effective with high performance in operations and logistics.

  • Values and Principles :
          •  ETHICS: fulfill the commitments made with honesty and seriousness.
          •  WORK IN TEAM: achieve the success of the organization with the participation of all.
          •  PROFIT: it is vital to sustaining the growth and development of the organization.
          •  RESPECT FOR THE ENVIRONMENT: using the resources with responsibility, complying with the law and promoting awareness of all to correct separation and destination of waste.
          •  CREATIVITY: fostering an environment conducive to development of continuous improvement of processes, products and services through the production activity and participation of our employees / collaborators.
          •  MARK: it is the responsibility of all stakeholders add value, disseminate and preserve this heritage.
          •  COMMUNITY: hold shares of Community interest, seeking voluntary participation, valuing the social commitment.

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    Industria Comercio Produtos De Limpeza Girando Sol Ltda

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    Business type

    • cleaning products

    Contact and location
    • icone de usuario Gerente ********
    • icone de telefone +55 51********
    • map-marker Arroio Do Meio / RS | Brazil

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