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Injeflex Ind. E Com. De Dispositivos E Prods. Médicos Ltda

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Since 2011



About Us

INJEFLEX is an advanced technology Brazilian company that manufactures Copper T Intra-uterine devices (IUDs) for Brazilian and world markets. Injeflex was established in the year 2000 and has put together the most advanced Copper T IUD production technology and equipment in the world.

The Injeflex plant is located in São Paulo city, the largest manufacturing center in Brazil. The facility is certified by the Brazilian Ministry of Health and meets all the requirements for medical device good manufacturing practice.

Our Management Team is made up of highly qualified and experienced individuals who are specialists in medical device research, manufacture and quality assurance as well as international distribution. Through our international strategic alliances, we are in contact with the university-based researchers who have conducted the most intensive studies of the characteristics and behavior of the Copper T IUD raw materials and finished products. We also have the ongoing support of the Canadian automation equipment specialists who developed our advanced production equipment and systems.

Our Quality Standards are the highest in the world, as befits the most advanced technology Copper T IUD manufacturer. We operate in a low humidity Class 100,000 Clean Room environment. We use safe gamma radiation sterilization. All raw materials and finished goods are stored in secure, low humidity conditions. In addition to our certification by the Brazilian Ministry of Health, we have secured ISO 9001:2000 registration and our IUDs conform to the EN 46002 standard.

Our Business Approach is based on respect for human values. In recruiting the members of our staff, we have sought out individuals who reflect the values of honesty, fair play and enthusiasm in addition to possessing the required technical skills. Furthermore, we have invested in specialized training in our various processes and in medical devices good manufacturing practice. We also encourage our employees to take pride in their individual and teamwork achievements, and to pursue additional professional and personal development. In this way, Injeflex intends to build a solid reputation based on quality, ethics and reliability.

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Injeflex Ind. E Com. De Dispositivos E Prods. Médicos Ltda

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Business type

  • IUD intrauterine device injeflex optima

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario John ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker São Paulo / SP | Brazil

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