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Italindustria Termo Eletro Mecanica Ltda

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2008



About Us

We produce industrial and commercial magnets.

Our work model is based from planning new systems to updating old, it consider production line to finished product. This developing method of projects, work as key component integrator of internal indrustrial processes, the following methodologies:

Strategy Formulating: Define application strategy equipments in client\\\\s factory, identify the best points, is carried to a tailored solutions. A wide variety of innovative designs and products are planned.

Action Details: The solutions are taken in creative and tecnological way in details.

Construction: Developing projects from tecnical especifications, include line production, datas, process, programing and amount of raw material or goods.

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Italindustria Termo Eletro Mecanica Ltda

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Business type

  • magnets

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Niedja ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker Taboao da Serra / SP | Brazil

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