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Itb Equipamentos Elétricos

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2014



About Us

ITB hasn't stopped growing since 1974.

Quality, competitive prices and efficient technical assistance have always been associated to ITB's name, making it unrivaled in the area of urban, rural and industrial electrification.

The headquarters is located in Birigui, northwest of São Paulo state, strategically in the junction of the main state highways, near railroads, waterways and the airport, establishing excellent logistics. The three units cover, land area of ​​own area of ​​more than 33.000m2, with over 28.000m2 built.

ITB has achieved a highly competitive market through its own technological development.
ITB produces nowadays an average of 7,000 transformers and 130 regulators a month which places it among the main companies of its segment in Brazil.

ITB has conquered the world currently exporting on average 15% of its turnover to over 28 countries in South America, Central America, Africa, Europe and Middle East.

ITB manufactures distribution transformers immersed in mineral oil, in classes of 15, 24.2 and 36.2 kV, the monophasic / biphasic powers from 3 to 100kVA, and the three-phase, 15 to 2000KVA, 50Hz or 60Hz and in Automatic Voltage Regulators Single-phase up to 36.2 kV class - 833kVA. Also part of the manufacturing line self-protected transformers, auto-transformers, special transformers, etc.

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Itb Equipamentos Elétricos

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Business type

  • Single-Phase Distribution Transformers and Three Phase
  • Single Phase Voltage Regulators

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario CLAUDIA ********
  • icone de telefone +55 18********
  • map-marker BIRIGUI / SP | Brazil

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