F1.3 audio drives can transform an entire window of a shop in a loudspeaker. <br><br> Can be used for small announcements for audio, audio branding, Store radio, TV broadcasts Store, the possibilities are endless. <br><br> Main benefits <br><br> FeONIC F1.3 audio units can be connected to a window of a shop by a double-sided adhesive too strong. The units of audio can be left in place for years, or just for a few weeks. They are simple to install and uninstall. <br><br> As the sound created both sides of the units of audio surfaces, they often are mounted within the store, so that the devices can be tampered with. The audio units can be attached behind the window in graphs vinil, making them discreet and slightly visible in its window. <br><br><br> The applications tpicas <br><br> Whispering Window has been used by several brands throughout the world since 2003, including <br><br> - John Lewis <br><br> - Marks and Spencer <br><br> - Calvin Klein <br><br> - Hugo Boss <br><br> - Desigual and many more <br><br><br> Well as merchants use visual store windows advertising other conceptual projects use technology such as Smirnoff Nightlife Exchange Programme, where a box has been transformed into the DJ booth to the music that could be heard inside and out.
- whispering
- window
- F1.3
- audio
- speaker
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- communication and advertising
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São Paulo / SP | Brazil