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KopplaMoto LLC

Unverified company Unverified company

About Us

Stay ahead in the technology game, - Nothing makes us better golf players than having more time on practicing. How did it all start? Joe Bridge, son of a golf professional in Austin TX, who tired of stuffing four players on one single cart crisscrossing and bumbling all over the course, wondering if any more flexible mobility tool - playing in faster pace but still without rushing, more fun and something new in golf cart industry. So he took out a $48,000 loan on his house and founded the KOPPLA Golf Scooter, started from three employees and a single, innovative idea: single-rider golf cart. They spent over two years researching and designing base on prototype fat tire scooter. When they released the first KOPPLA electric cart, it soon became the talk of local club!

Main Markets

  • North America
  • Oceania
  • Western Europe

More about
KopplaMoto LLC

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500K - 1M

Sales volume (USD)

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Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer
  • Distributor / Wholesaler

  • golf motorcycle
  • electric scooter
  • golf scooter

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Jay ********
  • icone de telefone +86 1********
  • map-marker HongKong / HongKong | China

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