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LM Pratas

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2025



About Us

We are a jewelry company specialized in the creation of silver pieces with natural stones, combining elegance and sustainability. Our commitment to excellence and respect for the environment is reflected in every step of the production process. Our jewelry is made from recovered metals, promoting the reuse of resources and reducing environmental impact. The natural stones that adorn our pieces are carefully selected and have certificates of origin, ensuring an ethical and responsible origin of each material. Each piece is a celebration of natural beauty, craftsmanship, and unique design, catering to consumers who value products that tell stories and respect the planet. We work to offer jewelry that delights and connects our customers with the essence of nature, without giving up sustainable and transparent practices. Choosing our jewellery is embracing a conscious style, where the brilliance of silver and the splendour of natural stones reflect a commitment to beauty and responsibility

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LM Pratas

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100K - 200K

Sales volume (USD)

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Not informed




Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer

  • silver and natural stone jewellery

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Luciano ********
  • icone de telefone +55 19********
  • map-marker Limeira / SP | Brazil

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