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Maria Izabel Mendes Matos

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Since 2010



About Us

MARIA IZABEL MENDES MATOS was born in Sao Luis, capital of the state of Maranhao, Brazil. Her father owned a pottery business in the state, which awakened an interest in working with clay. And so as a child while on school holidays she started her art in brickworks with her interest increasing until after 2000 when she started to work as an artisan in ceramic field, dedicated to the making of popular culture characters of Maranhão (Auctioneers, Dockers, the coconut, Farmers).

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Maria Izabel Mendes Matos

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Business type

  • BDB ceramic pottery handmade handicrafts artwork art sculpture

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario MARIA ********
  • icone de telefone +55 98********
  • map-marker Sao Luis / MA | Brazil

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