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Maxtrack Industrial Ltda

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Since 2009



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Arena Control Center

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All online communication between the manager appplication and our tracking system is done through Arena Control Center.<br><br>Arena is an integrated software, using a client-server architecture. The application allows several access levels, according to permission, by user type, configured by the administrator.<br><br>The information can be sent to different bases/servers using Arena’s mirror tool.<br><br>Arena Control Center is installed on the company’s computers or in remote stations and allows communication and intervention on vehicles equipped with a module.<br><br>Users/clients can access information using local network or a remote internet connection.<br><br>All fleet management and vehicle tracking is achieved online in real time, assuring continuous operation control. The software manages the whole system, allowing the user to trigger counteractive action on pre-configured parameters.<br><br>Main features:<br><br>• Defines users with different restriction levels <br>• System set according to client’s needs: company, vehicles, users, equipments, routes, events, etc <br>• Remote update on vehicle’s configuration <br>• Map viewing, in real time or retrieving previous situations <br>• Information monitor grid viewing the last position, input and output status, ignition, GPS, speed, reference point, total of hours, among others. <br>• Event monitoring and action control, allowing to send commands to the device to the driver <br>• Online monitoring and information on the sensors and actuators status and events <br>• Tools to create routes, control points, references, etc <br>• Creating and monitoring geo-fences, authorized or un-authorized zones and related events <br>• Vehicle intervention by sending GPRS or DTMF commands <br>• Various system and fleet management reports <br>• Audio communication: microphone and speaker (hands-free)<br>• Optional trip module to monitor in real time bus fleet with additional management reports, itinerary control, time schedule, synoptic grid control, estimate arrival time on specific locations, among others

  • Arena Control Center

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Maxtrack Industrial Ltda

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Business type

  • electronic tracking monitoring equipment fleet gps

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Karine ********
  • icone de telefone +55 51********
  • map-marker Belo Horizont / MG | Brazil

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