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Missiato Industria E Comercio Ltda

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Since 2010



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Spirits From Brazil

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We export CACHAÇA 61. Currently it is present in several countries, which already indulge their senses by degusting and approving the quality of Cachaça 61, of Skarloff Vodka, of Catuaba Feline, and of Bom Pastor Wine. The U.S., Canada, Italy, Belgium, Israel and Chile, are among those countries where the products Missiato are present. <br><br>CACHAÇA 61<br>Cachaça 61 appeared in Brazil in 1961 (that\s the reason for the name brand) and is the result of distilling the juice of cane sugar. Represents the essence of the joy, beauty, versatility and sympathy of Brazil. It is a product of Brazilian soul and body! Today is the 4th best selling brand of cachaça in Brazil. <br><br>From mild flavor and distinctive aroma, is the real Brazilian rum, ideal for the preparation of many caipirinhas and other cocktails, and even exotic and tasty dishes. <br><br>Cachaça 61 is one of the few cachaça in the world that has reduced the level of ethyl carbonate (less than 150 pp) to enter the stringent Canadian and North American markets. <br> <br> It is indicated in the magazine "Wine Enthusiast" "Best of the Year 2004; <br><br> Cachaça is the third most consumed distilled in the world; <br><br> As "caipirinha (the national drink of Brazil), was voted by the magazine" In Style Magazine\s "how to" drink the hottest of the century "; <br><br> immensely popular in Europe (particularly Italy, Spain, France and Portugal), Cachaça in Germany is the second best selling drink after beer.

  • wine spirits rum cachaça 61 cachaca vodka

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Missiato Industria E Comercio Ltda

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10M - 50M

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Business type

  • spirits alcohol cachaca rum cachaça 61

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Paulo ********
  • icone de telefone +55 19********
  • map-marker Santa Rita do Passa Quatro / SP | Brazil

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