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Mk Indústria Química

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2012



About Us

MK is specialized in providing chemical solutions for the leather industry, from the beamhouse and tanning process, through the wet end to the finishing.
The MK products are efficient, economical and ecological solutions to the tanneries around the world.

Since its creation, MK has always been directed towards providing proper solutions for a number of demands placed by industrial market. Previously, as a provider of chemicals for tannery industry, MK expanded its activities to other fields such as textile industry, sugar and alcohol industry, footwear, furniture industries and artifacts.

Our philosophy is to develop efficient, eco-friendly, and economical solutions to our customers through our technical team of experts.


All MK actions are in line with our enterprise mission, which is:

“To develop products, processes and services that bring solutions to industrial markets, treating respectfully the environment and human beings.”


MK strives continuously to achieve its vision, which is:

“To be known as the company that offers products, processes, and services with the best technology, having a large share of market.”

More about
Mk Indústria Química

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Business type

  • MK Indústria Química
  • chemical solutions
  • leather industry
  • beamhouse
  • tanning process
  • industrial market
  • tannery industry
  • textile industry
  • sugar and alcohol industry
  • footwear
  • furniture
  • artifacts
  • Ver Mais

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario José ********
  • icone de telefone +55 51********
  • map-marker Pontão / RS | Brazil

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